Laundromat Safety Checklist

Laundromat Safety Checklist

Did you know? The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) reports that dryers and washing machines cause an average of 15,970 fires each year, with dryers causing 92% of them and an average of $200 million in property damage.  You may already have policies and...
Houses of Worship Safety Checklist

Houses of Worship Safety Checklist

Although houses of worship are meant to be places of refuge, they are prone to the same risks as any other building — if not more due to the significant foot traffic on the premises. Because the safety of your congregation is paramount, it is crucial to ensure your...
Pre-termination Checklist

Pre-termination Checklist

Use this checklist as a guide when seeking a preliminary legal opinion from your own counsel before terminating an employee. This should aid your counsel in evaluating whether the proposed termination creates potential legal exposure and the need for additional legal...
What to Include in Your Emergency Kit

What to Include in Your Emergency Kit

Having an emergency kit readily available is important so that you are fully prepared in the event of an emergency. These items come in handy for events such as hurricanes, wildfires, winter storms and more. Download...