Dec 5, 2024 | Commercial Property, Leases, New Featured, Property, Property Legal and Financial
Leases provide protection for both landlords and tenants. In the event that a claim arises involving any or all of the parties to the lease, the lease provides clarity in determining who is the responsible party, and for what. If a lease is written clearly and in...
Nov 16, 2023 | New Featured, Professional Services, Property Legal and Financial
Whether you are dealing with a management agreement, a lease agreement, accounting records or a decision made by a board of directors, documentation is the best practice for every situation as a property manager/real estate agent. Keep all information,...
Sep 23, 2022 | Property, Property Legal and Financial
You may think requiring your tenants to obtain renters insurance is unnecessary. But the truth is, the overall benefit of doing so is worth the extra effort. Many tenants are under the incorrect assumption that their landlords are already covering all of their...