Is Your Roof Ready for Extreme Weather Conditions? 4 Ways You Can Prepare

Roof Ready for Extreme Weather

No matter the season, weather is the primary cause of wear and tear on the exterior of residences and businesses. Regardless of whether a hurricane, a snowstorm or another extreme-weather event is forecasted, it is important to always be prepared because natural disasters have become more widespread in recent years. Below, explore four ways you can prepare.

1. Shut All Windows and Doors

Roofers working on the roofAir pressure is a major issue during storms like tornados and hurricanes. It is important all doors and windows remain closed. If they are left open, the air pressure inside your home or building can suddenly increase and push the roof upward, decreasing its stability.

2. Clean All Gutters and Drain Spouts

The purpose of gutters and drain spouts is to direct water away from the building, which reduces damage to your roof and siding. Don’t wait until bad weather is forecasted to clean these areas — ensure you remove any leaves, sticks and branches regularly to avoid clogging or damage. It’s necessary for rainwater to flow freely from your roof into your gutters and down into your drains.

3. Secure Loose Tiles and Roof Flashing

Loose tiles or sheeting can be lifted during a storm, allowing rainwater to enter through your roof and into small cracks. This can cause ceiling leaks inside your home or business. Roof flashings, or adjoining materials used between your roof and an adjoining wall, can become loose or the sealant can deteriorate. Have your roof inspected before storm season to prevent these potential hazards.

Timing Branches

4.  Trim Branches

Tree branches are a significant factor in roof and overall building damage. Storms can bring heavy wind, rainfall or snow that puts pressure on tree branches, causing them to fall or blow over. This can result in massive holes in your roof — or, potentially, its collapse. It is important to regularly inspect trees around your property, looking for decay or disease. Have your trees trimmed or removed to prevent roof damage or injury to those on your property.

When it comes to your roof, always take a proactive approach. Have repairs done by a licensed and insured contractor before the next storm comes along for peace of mind and cost savings. For additional ways to protect your home or business from property damage caused by natural disasters, visit This site is a product of the Insurance Institute for Business & Home Safety (IBHS).

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