Preparing for a Tornado

A tornado destroying a house.

A tornado can be especially disastrous due to high winds, flying debris and extreme damage.

Taking Precautions

To avoid a claim, be proactive. If a tornado is predicted, remove or secure anything that could turn into dangerous flying debris. Though tornado winds are often too strong anyway, it is still best to try to tie things down.

Have contact information ready in the event that you need to report a claim after the tornado. Be mindful that you may need to document damages and take pictures. To report a claim, call our 24/7 toll-free number at 1-888-875-5231 or email [email protected].

You can never be too cautious. Keep track of tornado watches and warnings online or on TV.

If you do not already have a family tornado plan, create one as soon as possible. The National Weather Service has online resources for implementing a plan, knowing the signs of a tornado and preparing for safety.

The best way to prepare for a tornado is to do so before it happens:

  • Know where you can seek shelter
    •  Avoid windows, top floors and mobile homes
  • Store water and canned food
  • Put a first aid kit together
  • Know where your flashlights and batteries are located
  • Look over your insurance policy
  • Have protective coverings, like sleeping bags, ready to protect yourself from flying debris

For more information about surviving tornadoes, visit

We hope you find this information helpful. Please be safe.

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